FIRST HUNTING HR’s methodology in the Personnel Selection Process is specifically designed for recruitment processes whose main objective is that our client can incorporate a professional with the training, experience and professional skills more suitable to the needs of the organization and the functions of the position to be filled, as well as with the personal skills most suited to the company’s culture.
Personnel Selection: First Hunting HR Work Methodology
- Analysis of the Job Profile, the characteristics of the business and the philosophy of our client.
- Identification of Search Sources: Our own and external databases.
- e-Recruitment (Recruitment Portals and Social Networks), Prescribers and Primary and Secondary Networking of FIRST HUNTING HR, Direct Search, Local Boards of Commerce and other Business Associations, Professional Associations, Universities, Business Schools...
- Resume (CV) analysis.
- Telephone filtering of candidates, based on the main requirements of the requested profile.
- In-depth personal interviews and generic and specific psycho-technical tests (by functional, hierarchical and sectorial areas) with the candidates most relevant to the profile and evaluation of their professional background, achievements, personal and professional competencies, as well as additional assets beneficial to our client.
- Presentation of an exhaustive Finalist Candidacy Report of those professionals who have the best fit with the company and the position. This phase includes the request of the pertinent professional references.
- Presentation of the finalist candidates that best fit the requested profile.
- Follow-up of the incorporated candidate.