For those companies that internally carry out their Personnel Selection and Evaluation Processes and for any Client that needs, at a given moment, our experience as headhunters. At FIRST HUNTING HR we offer a Resume (CV) Screening Service by Profiles. This is a service that brings to the process speed and precision in the identification of the most suitable profiles.

We proceed to thoroughly study the required profile and activate our wide range of professional recruitment sources. In a very short period of time, we offer our Client a wide range of applications focused on the required profile.

This service allows our Clients to gain in agility and precision when carrying out personnel selection processes in which the execution deadlines must be very short. In addition, by implementing our broad and powerful recruitment and curriculum evaluation operations, the company gains time to focus on the interview phase with the finalist candidates.

The resume screening service by profile can also be provided, of course, with candidates recruited by the Client itself.